Saturday, March 23, 2019

What are thoughtful gifts presented by countries to each other? | Top Quora Answers

The Statue of Liberty was designed by French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, its metal framework was built by none other than Gustave Eiffel, the chief engineer was Eugène Viollet-le-Duc, responsible for the restoration of almost all the best-known medieval sites in France. Finally, the statue itself and its transportation to the United States was financed by France (only the pedestal was made and financed by Americans).
The head of the statue at Paris World Fair in 1878
The statue referenced both the independence of the USA (explicitly) and the end of slavery (implicitly): one of the first projects included broken chains but it was abandoned in order not to anger the Southerners. It also reflected the memory of French assistance in the American Revolutionary War and the longing of now isolated France to reclaim the old friendship with the USA.
Unveiled in 1886, the Statue of Liberty became one of the best-known national symbols in the whole world.
But as the question asks about gifts in plural, let me tell you another story.
In April 1965, Kim Il Sung, Prime Minister of the People’s Democratic Republic of Korea, Chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea, Great Leader, made a state visit to Indonesia. Soekarno (Sukarno), President of Indonesia, showed him a new hybrid orchid that was given the name kimilsungia.
The flower became very popular with the North Korean propaganda. According to the Korean Central News Agency, Kim Il-sung's “peerless character” is “fully reflected in the immortal flower” which is “blooming everywhere on the five continents”, reflecting the far reach of the revolutionary idea of Juche.
Left: Kim Il Sung. Right: Kimilsungia
Twenty-three years later, in 1988, Japanese botanist Kamo Mototeru created a flower dedicated to Kim Il Sung’s son, Dear Leader Kim Jong Il. A new perennial begonia was given the name kimjongilia. It was presented on Dear Leader’s 46th birthday as a “token of friendship between Korea and Japan”. The flower symbolizes wisdom, love, justice and peace. It is designed to bloom every year on Kim Jong-il's birthday, 16 February.
Left: Kim Jong Il. Right: Kimjongilia
Needless to say, this flower also became very popular in North Korea. This is what I would call a thoughtful gift - something that really makes the receiver happy and joyful.
As far as I know, there is no such flower as kimjongunia. So very soon we might see a new flower created by a horticulturist from a country wishing to have closer friendship with People’s Democratic Republic of Korea. What country would it be, what do you think? And what would be the colour of the flower?

Source: Quora

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